Are you intuitive or counter-intuitive?
May 22, 2023I’m in such admiration of successful entrepreneurs. How do they do it?
I see the strong action driven type who pushes himself to the max and takes his business to 7 or 8 figures with stamina, determination, and perseverance.
Like an athlete. Always training, always upping the level. Inspirational!
I think back to training and healing my voice.
Oh, the beautiful sound we were after. The ‘right’ technique, the good tone. But at what cost?
Classical singing puts sound over feeling. You make the good sound and hope the voice lasts, if not, you weren’t cut out for it.
Ballet- you look for the form and make the body comply. The body adapts to the form. Or you weren’t cut out for it.
Ballet dancers retire in their mid to late 20s because they are used up.
Business by Pleasure is bringing the idea of the guided, effortless voice into your business.
What if our business elevation wasn’t the next push but the next release?
I’m not saying we never give things a push.
So many things benefit from that little bit of a push. But what we really see is a lot of push and very little of the ‘let go’.
Release and undo have been very powerful in my life. Counter-intuitive. Alexander technique and cranio-sacral osteopathy has helped my back more than massage and physiotherapy ever have. Gentle healing of my voice released it to become fit as a touring singer.
Yoga helped me dance when Ballet broke my body and my madness helps me stay sane.
I am intuitive and I really embrace the counter-intuitive.
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