High performance is the goal... But wait!
Dec 08, 2022High performance is the goal. Set more goals, reach them all! It's all about getting the most success whilst you can because isn't life short? Go, make the millions NOW. Be Brilliant, live that genius and make THE MOST of yourself so you create a legacy.⠀
The most revered minds of our civilisation are not exactly known to be the most empathetic, well-functioning citizens. They are often highly dysfunctional. And not always the happiest of people either!⠀
In fact, genius and dysfunction get on really well together.⠀
The most talented and gifted humans aren’t exactly known to be the most reliable friends or most patient, kind leaders. (though that does exist!!) ⠀
Does that mean you should turn into a sociopath to forge your way to success?⠀
It's an invitation to look at the truth of how we work as humans.⠀
We oscillate and move on the spectrum of opposites.⠀
Yet in the world of self-improvement, we see a fixation on the 'good side'. As if we could just stay there forever.⠀
The truth is: You are confident & insecure, strong & weak, beautiful & ugly, rich & poor.⠀
Most self-improvement personal development will teach you how to work on your weaknesses in order for you to improve, get better. Some teach to focus on your strengths to circumnavigate the 'weakness'. (that works better as research shows)⠀
I like to up-level my clients into more serenity about reality.⠀
We have a spectrum, we will always be travelling on. The more you can accept that you are both the so-called "good" and the so-called "bad", you have the freedom to move. The fixation on where you 'should be' keeps you stuck.⠀
The more permission you can give yourself, to be honest with yourself and others, the more freedom you experience.⠀
The freer you are to make your own choices, the more results you tend to produce that you also find long-term gratifying.
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