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How to guarantee no one remembers your presentation - 3 classic mistakes:

Oct 07, 2024

1.) Stick to the facts ✅

Drive your gloating success with endless data and statistics. Make sure every slide is crammed with numbers and charts.

Avoid storytelling and emotional connections at all costs.

Facts are cold, hard, and utterly forgettable.

Don’t waste time on anecdotes or personal experiences that could make your message resonate.

Just bombard your audience with raw data.

They’ll leave with glazed eyes and no memorable takeaways.


2.) Use complex jargon ✅

Speak in technical terms and industry jargon that only a niche audience will understand.

The more acronyms and complex language, the better.

Alienate your listeners with convoluted sentences and specialised terminology.

This ensures that most of your audience will zone out, struggling to decipher your words.

The result? They’ll remember nothing and leave feeling disconnected and unengaged.


3.) Ignore visual aids or overload them ✅

Avoid using visuals, slides, or any multimedia that might engage your audience.

Stick to a monotone lecture format, relying solely on your voice to carry the presentation.

Remember, you're not a TikTok dancer, and your job is not to entertain like an Instagram reel.

This is real life, and professionalism is needed. Don’t overwhelm or distract your audience with anything remotely engaging or fun.

On the flip side, if you must use visuals, make sure to use an overload of them to confuse everyone sufficiently.

Do anything to avoid strengthening your message and making your point clear.

Use a plethora of irrelevant images, inappropriate graphics, and a barrage of emojis.

Ensure that your slides are so cluttered that no one can follow along.

Either use nothing or overload—just avoid balance and clarity at all costs.


👉 Want to ACTUALLY make your presentation memorable? Book an appointment with me and let's chat.


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