Inspiration does not only strike in the darkness.
Feb 14, 2023Traditionally artists have used their pain to express deeper. Many famous works in all categories have been created from the darkest and most painful places in the human psyche.⠀
It can be a consolation to know that gems of genius await in the spaces that feel the most hopeless. Diamond mining ⛏ even on a metaphorical level is dark work with a lot of pressure added.⠀
It’s not always ethical either. Especially if your livelihood starts to depend on it.⠀
You need to top your last creation or else the glory days are over.⠀
It makes sense that so many go back to the place they found their initial success…Pain, suffering, chaos & trauma. And so the patterns of unhealthy but ‘success producing’ behaviours are shaped, moulded and repeated until the person starts to crumble in the process. Which is where many of our most talented and most celebrated artists default to. ⠀
How many talented, intelligent artists do we lose each year to ‘self-destructive’ patterns symptomizing in addictions, extreme behaviours & mental health complexities?⠀
But you don’t have to. ⠀
My clients learn to work with the trajectory of pleasure and inspiration cultivating the ability to sense and follow life force energy - and cultivating this is a process worth mastering.⠀
I’m here to change that because I don’t want to see our talent and role models suffer more than they need to/want. I want to see more inspirational art that moves us to more freedom from inner shackles and more joyful permissive self-expression.⠀
Join me in the Revolution by learning to mine your genius and commercialise your brilliance powered by Pleasure which is what we teach entrepreneurs and artistic leaders in the “Business by Pleasure” mastermind group.⠀
10x your revenue, create impossible scenarios. My clients star on TV, sell 6 figure packages effortlessly, reinvent their Expertise into sophisticated Personal Brands, receive funding for outrageous ideas - Less Aargh!*? More aaaah…⠀
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