Should you face your DEMONS?
Mar 24, 2023I had lunch with a partner of Deloitte.
We spoke about mentoring women and helping them face their demons.
“What demon?” I asked.
The problem with exorcising demons is that the concept is steeped in punitive religious imagery. If it serves you, keep it.
I know a kinder, more effective way to establish freedom.
I invite the idea of PTG. Post-traumatic Growth. I offer the lens of pronoia: What if the world had conspired FOR you? I am a diving buddy to collect the pearls from the bottom of the sea of challenges.
There is no demon to face. There is a broken trust experience to heal and integrate. For that to happen we want to find safety in the nervous system, dive for the pearls of wisdom, create applicable practical learnings, find forgiveness and cultivate a greater sense of power and self-trust as a result. #thatsmyprocess
The journey to more freedom and pleasure is not about ignoring the past, moving on pretending the shit never happened or isn’t relevant.
I co-create inspired leaders steeped in trust of the ‘feminine’ or ‘yin’ (intuition, receptive, creative, wild, alive qualities available beyond and across all genders) who bring us back to life and possibility.
The most powerfully liberated humans don’t lead, inspire and succeed DESPITE their issues but BECAUSE they integrated the opportunities of growth they brought.
And to bring it back to (Christian) mythology because I can: What if your demons were simply misunderstood angels of insight and expansion?
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