Stop looking after yourself!
Jan 25, 2023If you want to elevate and be more vivacious and irresistibly brilliant, scaling your business with grace, looking after yourself is the wrong approach. It doesn't work. Here is why:⠀
You can look after your dog, cat, kids, elderly parents.⠀
Looking after someone requires a distance between you and that other.⠀
What you really need to be audaciously energetic, free and sustainably successful is connection.⠀
You want to feel a deep connection with yourself.⠀
Don't look after yourself. Instead, Look into yourself! 👀⠀
Most people live from their heads and then say they want to look after their bodies.⠀
The problem is not that you don't look after your body; the problem is that you live in your head.⠀
If you live in your body, you automatically respect it.⠀
People who look after themselves start diets and stop diets in frustration. They count calories, enter regimes and track their progress. They start coaching programs and goal setting and stop as they notice it's just not really getting the results. It's all good stuff, but you're operating on the system that caused the problem.⠀
✋ Stop looking after yourself as if you were someone else.⠀
Look into yourself. Inhabit all of yourself. Feel your body, your emotions, your desires. Find what Pleasure is in your inner world - experience turned on, orgasmic freedom, expansion and expression.⠀
Maybe you wonder why some people are more charismatic than others. Well, one of the secrets is that if you live from your body connection, you will be more present.⠀
And if you identify mainly from the head, there just isn't that much of you that transmits the energy.⠀
The Business by Pleasure Club is a space where high performers elevate their impact in the world, 10x their income and their Pleasure.⠀
Connect with me wearing your favourite outfit and most sparkly earrings to learn more. ✨⠀
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