Why is it so damn hard to create impactful content as a coach?
Jul 05, 2023You want to show up with great confidence and high value. High value, lots of power, and deliver high value. I repeat the high-value bit because that's the part my mind likes to wrap itself around. Oh, the insecurity that arises in doubt of this so-called high value!
Now, before the next call, you got a few mins. How hard can it be to make a video? You can talk for England (or the US, or Germany) when you are in a session, but when the camera stares at you with that cold black lens, hmmmm...
Why is it so damn hard to create impactful content as a coach?
I am talking about coaches today because I train many of them and because they face a specific challenge - they aren't used to taking up all the space!
Coaches love to help others, be in connection, and thrive on the energy of others especially when we can positively affect it. We love witnessing and facilitating growth, and yet you need to be seen and recognised for your brilliance. How the heck do we do that on our own with no client in the room?!
I'll show you how in my latest video! Hop over into my magical YouTube world and gift yourself 5 mins of Evelyne on screen. Let me know what you think! Watch it here!
How much impact do you have as a speaker? Find out now!
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