You are too weird for this world and you know it
Feb 09, 2023As leaders and business owners, you’ve been taught to express yourself on social media, be relatable and stay relevant. I love-hate it!⠀
Creating noise masked as content with shouts to action and selling our hearts out till the cows come home. Haven’t you had enough?⠀
It started by sharing your favourite foods and has evolved to share your most intimate secrets. Big Brother has nothing on you when all is out on the table.⠀
Do we really need to know about your genital piercing attempt stories, your latest tantrums and the story of you almost getting bitten by a poodle? Your account specifics and tactics for life success? No. No, we don't.⠀
"Express yourself!" The issue with self-expression is: most of what you see is fake.⠀
You go deep only to sell. You go vulnerable only to show your strength. You do authentic only to lead to a page. It’s the same sob story + sales pitch.⠀
Self-expression does not equate to a marketing formula!⠀
I work with the top leaders of the coaching and entertainment industry, personal brands whose livelihood depends on valuable expressive posts that magnetise their audience. They are stepping up to create a more powerful image without falling prey to the superficial traps of the online glitz.⠀
It’s actually about living your higher purpose and sharing that.⠀
It’s about mining the genius of your unique voice and bringing it to the forefront - getting your brilliance from in here to out there!⠀
Does that mean you shouldn’t market that? Of course not! You can do whatever you want with it!⠀
Authentic leadership is available because you have the opportunity to actually show yourself.⠀
The real problem: You cringe! Why?⠀
You will tell us that you just don’t want to be mistaken for someone inauthentic.⠀
But the truth is you are freaking weird, you know it. Show it.
How much impact do you have as a speaker? Find out now!
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