Your ideas are powered by inspiration.
Nov 15, 2022Your everyday mundane consciousness doesn't like the idea that there is a better way. It will tell you to be quiet and get on with the dishes. Stop dreaming and make something of yourself. Bills don't get paid by themselves you know. And whatever you do it's rarely good enough.
The way we go about life as so-called "grown-ups" can really suck the magic right out of you.
If you shift into your magical being, you will have a very different experience of life. Even filling out big applications can be a graceful process when the attention is less on the admin and more on your own flow.
From the space of awakened creativity, your ideas are powered by inspiration. They tend to be good ideas that bring more fun and productivity to your life. It's a very different place to act from than your worry cloud. I might even argue that worry is delusional - but that is a different story.
Do you want support with finding and strengthening your magical self and opening and sustaining the space of Pleasure? I'm here to do just that. I help magical creatures remember how magically powerful they are.
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