The Thing You Got Wrong About Self-Love
Feb 08, 2023Self-love is an overused term. I thought I had this down because I've been coaching for almost 20 years, so I got this. Nope. ❌⠀
Self-love sounds so new-agey to me; the rebel in me repels that concept.⠀
Just get on with life already and stop this navel-gazing soft-ice-cream-purple-flying-unicorn kind of language. 🦄⠀
Plus, I do all the right things anyway. I am very spiritually evolved. Just so you know. ⠀
And yet... every time I crack a difficult topic for myself or a client, guess what it comes down to?⠀
The way we treat and relate to...ourselves. It's totally nuts. ⠀
So I found out that self-love is misunderstood. When we overuse a term, we dilute the power of the concept and often become numb to it, so this slide post will give you some useful distinctions of what self-love is and is NOT.⠀
It is not about:⠀
- Being a good girl who is nice to everyone 😇⠀
- Forcing your body to have things you hate (raw wheatgrass on an empty stomach followed by apple cider vinegar with Himalayan salt and baking soda for example🤢)⠀
- Letting yourself get away with shitty behaviour, making excuses for everything and blaming others.⠀
It IS about:⠀
- Employing a grown-ass attitude fuelled by a "live and let live" motto, not resentful passive-aggressive "there you have it" bullpoo.⠀
- Building and maintaining a deep and respectful relationship with yourself fuelled by compassion, presence, attention, kindness and understanding.⠀
Self-worth incorporated. Embodied. Applied.⠀
It will be easier to deal with others if you really love yourself. As long as it's hard to deal with others, you probably still have a way to go and be really loving to yourself. ⠀
And..you're not alone in this journey. This is literally what we ALL are dealing with, including the author of this post.
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