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Unapologetic Brilliance makes a profound impact.

Picture this: You're standing on a stage, ready to share your vision with the world.
You feel confident and ready to go....

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Driven by dark desires

Humans are driven by dark desires
to be more, to have more, and to acquire
now why is that dark and what would be light?

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What is impact?

I hear you ask
We all talk about it
set it as a task.
Must deepen my impact.
Must make it last.
Can you be arsed?

Read my blog...

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Born to do more

You were born to do more, be more, impact to last.
After all, this IS instagram! So bring me fame fast.
I can do it so you...

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What does a fake Madonna know about authenticity?

As a former Madonna impersonator, I have extensive experience in the field of 'authenticity' and the complexity of it! Do...

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The New Paradigm of Growth: Embracing the Yin Approach

In a world that glorifies hustle and pushing ourselves to the limits, it's time for a fresh perspective on growth....

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Small steps, Big transformations.

Hey friends! Today, I wanted to share a powerful quote that has been inspiring me lately: "Small steps, big...

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Pushing hard is so last year.

It's time to kick back, relax, and enjoy the summer sun! But hey, we high-performing visionary go-getters know that...

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Embracing the Yin Approach: A New Paradigm for Growth

Embracing the Yin Approach: A New Paradigm for Growth

In our fast-paced world, we often equate success with pushing...

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Speak with confidence

WARNING: This video series may cause an increase in confidence, sassiness, and general badassery.

Proceed with caution!


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Lights, camera, ACTION!

Lights, camera, ACTION!

Our video series is not just informative; it's hilarious!

We promise to make you laugh while...

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Unleash Your Inner Rockstar with Impact Eve-o-lution

BOOM! Our Impact Eve-olution Mini Video Series is here!

We'll teach you how to create drop-the-mic moments, get in the...

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